Fruits Salad with Dressing Ala Akyuh. Let me share to you how to make fresh fruit salad for summer. With this summer heat it will help us be refresh and enjoy it as well. Track: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud
Find the perfect grilled fruit salad stock photo. No need to register, buy now! Find the perfect fruit salad and yoghurt stock photo. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Fruits Salad with Dressing Ala Akyuh hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Fruits Salad with Dressing Ala Akyuh yuk!
Bahan-bahan Fruits Salad with Dressing Ala Akyuh
- Diperlukan Apel, chery tomat, melon, semangka, pepaya - buah sesuai selera.
- Dibutuhkan bila suka Kacang merah,.
- Gunakan 2 cup kecil yoghurt plain - merek apa saja.
- Gunakan 3 sdm mayonaise.
- Siapkan secukupnya Madu.
No need to register, buy now! Find the perfect spicy exotic fruit salad stock photo. No need to register, buy now! Fruit and Vegetable Salad with Low Calorie Thousand Island Dressing, this delicious salad also contains all the vitamins A and C needed for the eyes and a glowing complexion.
Cara memasak Fruits Salad with Dressing Ala Akyuh
- Potong kecil semua buah.
- Rebus kacang merah, tiriskan bila sudah matang dan campur dengan buah.
- Campur yoghurt, mayonaise, madu.
- Setelah semua tercampur tuang ke buah dan aduk rata.
- Simpan sebentar dalam kulkas, hidangkan bila sudah dingin. Atau langsung disantap juga tak apa.
- Taburkan parutan keju, bila suka.
Drain canned fruit and then mix all fruits together. Combine the sweetened condensed milk and cream cheese in a mixing bowl and beat until smooth. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the fruit: stir until all fruit is evenly coated. It is best to allow it to set in the refrigerator overnight. If not overnight, at least until thoroughly chilled.